About the author:

Shane Faber has been a web developer, systems engineer and networking professional since 1996. He took his original Altiris training at the corporate headquarters in Lindon, Utah and has earned the Altiris ACE and AAC certifications.

Working as a consultant and at times, directly with Altiris and Symantec Professional Services, he has provided support to government, corporate and education customers ranging in size from 100's to 1000's of seats.

Supporting Altiris projects has taken him all over the United States, Japan and in 2004, to Baghdad, Iraq.

Everybody has different priorities and challenges that are unique to their network. Let's face it, that's why you're looking at a product like Client Management Suite in the first place. 

Benefit from his experience with CMS6 and CMS7. Get the new "CMS 7.x Cookbook " for all the latest tips on the newest versions. 

Order your copy today.


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Altiris 6 Cookbooks

The CMS7.1 Cookbook is here!

Take a look at the table of contents.


You’re probably reading this because you:

1. Have heard about Altiris and wonder if it can help you get home any earlier.
2. Have bought Altiris CMS and tried to set it up yourself (bravo, but risky!).
3. Have just replaced the only guy at the company who knew how to use it.
4. Are really good with Deployment Server but haven’t a clue about CMS 7.x
5. ALL of the above.

Hang in there! This book will get you where you need to go.

Symantec Installation Manager
Inventory Solution
Application Metering and the Blacklist
PcAnywhere Remote Control
Patch Management
Software Management
Quick Delivery
Managed Delivery
Policies, Tasks and Filters
Reporting Basics
Task Server Jobs
Organizational Views and Groups
Using Dell Client Manager
Using HP Client Manager

Using the Report Builder
Adding Parameters to a Report
Adding Filter Selection to a Report
Automation Policies to Email a Report
Auto-assign Computers to Organizational Groups


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Altiris 6 Cookbooks
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